




 The name of this organization shall be the Coastal Cyclists, Incorporated and shall be referred to as the Coastal Cyclists.


The purpose of this organization is to promote and encourage bicycling in all its forms; and to educate its members and the community in all aspects of the safe use and enjoyment of bicycles: and to actively work toward the development of a safe environment for all bicyclists.


Elected Officers:  There shall be five (5) elected officers to provide the organization with guidance and leadership: A President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and a Member-at-large.  Together acting by such rules as they may establish, they shall constitute the Executive Committee.

These elected officers shall be; nominated in December, elected in January and installed at the February meeting of the general membership.

The President shall be the official representative of the organization in all matters and shall be responsible for all the activities of the organization and is especially charged to lead and coordinate its programs toward the fulfillment of its purposes. He shall preside at all Executive Committee Meetings and all meetings of the general membership.

The Vice-President shall assist the President in his duties and shall assume those duties in the Presidents absence. He shall also assume such other functions as assigned by the Executive Committee. He shall be responsible for the agenda of the monthly meeting of the general membership.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of funds. The reporting of financial conditions at meetings, the proper record keeping of finances, with the exception of the funds generated by the Racing Committee. The Treasurer shall receive and maintain a financial report from the Racing Committee Chair and shall maintain this information in a separate journal for the purpose of distinction and accountability.

The Secretary shall maintain records, conduct correspondence, and perform the normal functions of this office, and such other functions as the Executive Committee shall assign. The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept all minutes of the monthly meeting, The Executive Committee Meetings.

The Member-At-Large shall represent the general membership at Executive Meetings and shall assume such other functions as assigned by the Executive Committee.

Standing Committees:

Standing Committee Chairs shall be elected by the Executive Committee by a simple majority.

Nominations shall be accepted from the general membership.

The Chair shall be responsible for recruiting and seeking volunteers from the membership to assist in effectively accomplishing the goals of the committee. 

The Chairs of the Standing Committees shall report to the Executive Committee the activities and goals of their committee. This shall be reported at the monthly meeting of the Executive Committee.

A Member shall Chair only one Committee.

Education and Safety Committee shall be responsible for the development of programs and events that educate both the membership and the community in all aspects of the safe use and enjoyment of bicycles, as per the purpose of this organization.

Legislative Committee shall maintain awareness of, and respond to political situations pertaining to the use of the bicycle and a safe environment for bicycling. They shall also inform the membership of opportunities to participate.

Newsletter Committee shall be responsible for a monthly newsletter informing the membership of all pertinent information and activities. This Committee shall be chaired by the Editor. (This includes: Composing, Printing and distribution).

Racing Committee shall be responsible for planning, educating, conducting events and disseminating information to meet the needs of the racing membership as well as the general membership. They shall generate and disburse their own finances with the exception of the club membership dues. They shall also provide the club treasurer with a quarterly financial report to insure record keeping of the clubs entire handling of finances. 

Planning and Activities Committee shall be responsible for implementing an activities calendar to meet the needs of the membership and the purpose of the club. They shall further be responsible for the implementing of special events. They shall establish and maintain ride guidelines. They shall be responsible for informing the membership of activities outside of the organization which may be of interest to the membership.

Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for the appropriate dissemination of all information regarding the organizations activities through the media sources. They shall also be responsible for development of effective public relations materials to properly promote the organization.

Membership Committee shall be responsible for responding to inquiries regarding membership and shall further be responsible for the processing of membership applications, issuing membership cards, membership renewals and the record keeping of membership activity.

Ad-Hoc Committees and Special Appointments shall be made by the Executive Committee when needed to accomplish certain specific goals, projects, events, etc. The Executive Committee shall dissolve said Committees and or Appointments when and as it sees fit.


The General Membership shall meet on a monthly basis.

The standing Committees shall meet as often as deemed necessary to accomplish their specific goals and objectives.

The Executive Committee shall meet on a monthly basis on a date other than a regular club meeting of the General Membership.


Regular Membership

Anyone who continually subscribes to the purposes, charter and bylaws of this organization, who pays the annual dues and has signed a waiver of liability agreement shall be considered a regular member. This includes individual and family memberships. The annual dues are subject to change pending adoption by the general membership.

Honorary Membership

The executive Committee may extend Honorary Membership to any individual, organization or member rendering notable service to the Coastal Cyclists, Inc., the furtherance of bicycling or to the community at large. Honorary Membership shall not entail the obligation of Regular Membership, but shall entitle the recipient to all the privileges of membership except those of making motions, voting and holding office. Executive Committee may confer the full privileges of Regular Membership at their discretion.

Supporting Membership

This membership is made available to businesses, organizations and individuals who have demonstrated their support of our purpose by an effort or contribution. Supporting Memberships are issued by the Executive Committee. The membership may be issued as recognition or solicited.


These BYLAWS shall be adopted after notice to the General Membership and adopted if approved at the next meeting of the General Membership by 2/3 vote.

The Charter and Bylaws shall be read at the December meeting of the General Membership without fail.


This Charter may be amended by notice to membership of the proposed amendment, followed by approval at any meeting not less than four weeks later.


The December newsletter will present a call for nominations and an election ballot. The election ballot shall be presented at the January meeting in person or in proxy with signature, for tally.

Votes shall be tallied by persons separately in the presence of the electorate.

In the event of an unclear majority or tie, a runoff election will be held between the two candidates at the same meeting.

A sample ballot will be kept by the Secretary.

Terms of office shall be one year.

All unexpired terms shall be filled as soon as possible following the creation of a vacancy.